Prepared Speech: The Story Of

Sai Dilip
MasterySpeak: A Toastmasters Journey
4 min readSep 22, 2023


Photo by Etienne Girardet on Unsplash


  • You may be wondering why the title is incomplete. It's by design. Stick with me and you will find out whose story this is.


  • Fellow Toastmasters, in a movie Sylvester Stallone says the following — life aint about how hard you hit, it's all about how hard you can get it and keep moving forward.


  • I have a question for all of you — Do you have a person in your life that have been going through struggles all their life and still battles through them somehow?

What to Take away

  • I do. Today, I would like to speak to you about that individual who is very dear to me and has been going through a lot of things. If you are inspired, I would like everyone here to take out something from his story, and be precocious to handle difficult things in your life.

Backstory and Describe

  • We have known each other since middle school. He is resourceful, smart, creative, into politics and environment, frugal, works hard, he is a thinker and a doer, and a relentless fighter.

His Struggles

You may be thinking, yes this gentleman got all going for him. But life has tested him over and over again.

  1. He lost his mom during high school and lost his father during college. Both are due to cancer. Now I want you all to imagine being in his shoes. Parents are our north star guiding us through life, their amount of care you won't get anywhere else, the bond is indescribable, you live or die for your family. All of a sudden when they are not there, your whole world goes dark, who do you live for? who do you share future happiness and sadness with?
  2. His education has been disturbed by this, of course, financially his parents are not there to support anymore. He has to pay for the car, his medical education to become a doctor, his rent, he has to cook the food now, and take care of his health.
  3. It has always been hard for a man to express his feelings, I am sure his heart feels heavy sometimes. To this day this guy faces so many things, gets into an accident, falls ill, has to take care of his brother's cat, has to work over hours, he has to do this all by himself.

Why am I sharing all this?

  1. We need to learn how to tackle things in life from each other
  2. There will be times when if you are going through something like this you are facing deep anxiety, and depression, don’t know what to do, mind is all over the place, and how to pick up yourself.

Life isn’t fair, everyone will face their own struggles. The important thing here is the attitude of “I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become”. We can’t stay in the loop of the problem, we have to understand and accept these situations that are out of control. If one has the mentality, that will be our guiding hand.

What did I learn from this person or what can you take away?

  • He is calm — it's important to remain calm in the storm. Keep your mind clear to make good decisions. Don’t react too quickly, respond to the situation wisely.
  • He doesn’t let things get to him easily. If you let things dictate your life, you will be enslaved to it. The situation should not control you and you should take control of the situation.
  • At the end of the day, he figures it out — he utilizes his resources. He uses his experience to make better decisions.
  • When things go south — never one day it seemed like a complaint from him. He has faced many adversities in life — with every new one he faces, he builds an armor against that situation.

This is one of the best advice I have received. If you are in this rust (stuck) in a situation or want to learn how to deal with things — think of a person who you know to be really good at that and do what this person would do in your situation. For me I think of this person when going through hardship, I think of his strength to deal with things. This is the story of Sachin.

Ladies and gentlemen, struggle is good, failure is good, risk is good, chaos is good. We need to learn to not run away from the storm but to face the storm and reap the benefits after it passes. The only way to get better is to face adversity. Back to you


  • Started with a question
  • Satisfied the curiosity
  • Interesting Speech
  • Based on real facts of life
  • Clear
  • Smooth
  • Good Eye Contact
  • Nice Voice Variation
  • Express the idea that — took the strength

